Работа посвящена исследованию поведения высокочастотного волнового пучка в окрестности максимума слоя F2 ионосферы с учётом диффузии электронов. Дана постановка задачи и представлено численное решение в физически разумном приближении.

We analyze behaviour of HF wave beam near the peak of the F2 layer of the ionosphere taking into account the electron diffusion. The formulation of the problem is presented and its numerical solution is obtained in the physically reasonable approximation.

На английском языке
Nonlocal nonlinear interaction of HF waves with the ionosphere
Eremenko V.A.
Cherkashin Yu.N.

We analyze the behavior of an HF wave beam near the peak of the F2 layer of the ionosphere taking into account the electron diffusion. The formulation of the problem is presented and its numerical solution is obtained in a physically reasonable approximation.